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Filed under: US Elections

So let's see now.

Barack Obama was able to instantly find out that Geraldine Ferraro, while working for Hillary Clinton, had made anti-black racist comments in an obscure local newspaper in California, and he immediately confronted them.

Yet, he had no way of knowing that his own church pastor was a pro-black racist lunatic because he just happened to miss every single one of the sermons that pastor delivered that were offensive and never heard anyone talking about them (he doesn't know anything about YouTube, but still he's a man of the new century, a vibrant and dynamic new kind of leader), and he had no way of knowing that Newsmax had reported months ago on his being present at one such sermon even though its reporter had repeatedly tried to contact him, and only learned about that recently too.

Uh, OK.

And even though Obama skipped so many sermons, we still have to accept that he's a very religious Christian, certainly not Muslim or anything, a Christian who attends church regularly and diligently.

Errmmm . . . got it.

And even though he had no idea of what his own pastor of more than two decades was doing, a person he'd made a ranking figure in his campaign apparatus and cited on his campaign website, we still have to accept that he's a brilliant, well-informed man capable of making a new kind of foreign policy for America.

Grrrrggle . . . mmmmmhhmmmm.

Thanks, MSM. Richard Cohen of the Washington Post:

Obama has learned to rely on a sycophantic media that hears any criticism of him as either (1) racist, (2) vaguely racist or (3) doing the bidding of Hillary and Bill Clinton. You only have to turn your attention to the interview Obama granted MSNBC's fawning Keith Olbermann for an example. Obama was asked whether he had known that Wright had suggested substituting the phrase "God damn America" for "God bless America."

"You know, frankly, I didn't," Obama said. "I wasn't in church during the time when the statements were made."

But had you heard about them? Did your crack campaign staff alert you? And what about Wright's honoring Farrakhan? Had you heard about that? Did you feel any obligation to denounce those remarks -- not Farrakhan's, as you had done, but those of Wright himself? Don't you consider yourself a public figure whom others look to for leadership? Do you think you failed them here?

Olbermann asked none of those questions.

All nice and clear now?

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vova says:

I don't blame Obama for taking what's handed to him on a silver platter: the sycophantic media and guilt-ridden white trash.
He has to be both a hustler and a bargainer--the former in Chicago Southside to get into politics, the latter in the general election to get the white vote.
In America we Liberals always believed that all men are created equal, which means that an American Negro is equal to an American white man. I do believe in it, but Obama and his ranting chocolate Nazi preacher evidently do not. They are where they are because of the government mandated inequality. His whining wife is a quota queen. They benefited from set asides and positive discrimination, getting education and taking jobs at the expense of better qualified whites. This noxious Nazi philosophy is what defines him, this is what he is. Without this garbage there would be no Obama.
He reminds me of the panhandling creeps in Jamaica. As soon as they see a white person they start begging, complaining about being black and poor, and as soon as you decline, become violent.
You cannot judge Obama by the same standard because he is just not like us. We'd like him to be equal to us, but he does not want to because--and he knows it--he cannot.

vova says:

I still say that Obama wasn't lying--he was being himself. In their world, i.e., off-the-left-wall lunatic fringe, truth is relative. Everything is relative. Expedience rules. Lenin taught this, Stalin practiced, and this chocolate Hitler is a good study.

Here's a good quote about him: "Obama's power base is made up of black voters and the upscale left-wingers who condescend to them. Well, it is time he spoke truth to that power. If the eloquent, self-proclaimed truth-teller and would-be first black president can't manage that, he should go straight from would-be to never was".

beebop says:

Ah, like Spring, the air of reason swirls around our ankles at this site.

Yes, it would seem that the crack Obama campaign that could reach into its vast filing cabinet and extract a decade old photo of President Clinton with Reverend Wright could anticipate the questioning look dawning on our faces ... and yet, not.

Were the "racist" Ferraro comments not there on Senator Obama's own government website:

"Obama acknowledges, with no small irony, that he benefits from his race.

If he were white, he once bluntly noted, he would simply be one of nine freshmen senators, almost certainly without a multimillion-dollar book deal and a shred of celebrity. Or would he have been elected at all?"

his credubility wouldn't now be stretched to the point where, I feel very much like the figure in the famous painting, "The Scream."

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