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It's Raining McCain!

Filed under: US Elections

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vova says:

Can't view it--browser problem.

"It's Raining McCain!" When it rains--it pours!

misha says:

I can't view it either - only see blank space where something is supposed to be.

My browser automatically removes scripts, Active-X Controls, plug-ins, etc. (for security reasons, due to agency rules). Maybe you can include a URL link at the bottom of whatever it is?

vova says:

Agency rules? Nashi? Единая Россия? FSB?

misha says:

Yeah, it figures that John-John would attract the support of some overweight, middle-aged Wal-Mart checkers, goofing off with the video cameras when the manager wasn't looking. But meanwhile the young and still-virile Barack Obama has received full endorsement from the young and sexy Amber Lee Ettinger, the original Obama Girl

McCain's staffers are just really LAME putting stuff like that out. They are trying to make grandpa out like he's "hip" or something, but it just ain't working for him. They need to show John-John banging that hot 45 y.o. lobbyist gal in the back seat of a limo. Now that would breathe some new life into grandpa's stuffy old image.

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