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Africa [HEART] America!

Filed under: Africa

The Associated Press reports:

As first lady Laura Bush tours the world's poorest continent, a new report charting global attitudes shows America's image sagging around the globe - but not in Africa, where the Stars and Stripes still symbolize strength and wealth. In fact, America is more popular in several African nations than even in America. "The American society is a model of success that is a dream to Ivorian youth," says Mohamed Diarra, a 30-year-old in Ivory Coast, where some 88 percent of the population holds a favorable view of the United States - the highest in the world according to Pew Global Attitudes report. Ivory Coast, Ghana and Kenya hold America in higher regard than the fourth-highest national admirer of America: The United States itself, where about 80 percent of respondents held a favorable view of the country.

This is a real eye-opener for the Americaphobes. Not only is the myth of American arrogance dispelled (Americans aren't the country that loves America most) but so is the myth of America being hated by the third world it supposedly exploits. First Albania, now Africa . . .

Click through the link to read the rest of the wonderful news!

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