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Gary Trudeau: Totalitarian Maniac

Filed under: US Elections

Garry_Trudeau.jpgDoonesbury cartoonist Garretson Beekman "Garry" Trudeau (kinda scary looking, isn't he?) has a website under the aegis of Slate magazine which includes a "straw poll" feature where he asks for reader opinions on topical issues. The current poll asks: "Is Mormonism an issue for you?"

Proving what a true liberal and democrat he is, Trudeau does not offer readers the option of answering this question: "No, and it never was." In every one of the three choices they are given, they must either say Mormonism is an issue for them now or it was in the past. Putting a nice cherry on top of his democratic cake, Trudeau doesn't allow readers to see the results of the poll unless they first vote in it.

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Vova says:

"Is Mormonism an issue for you?" Of course not. By Garry Trudeau's moronism surely is

Aris Katsaris says:

I think that poll is meant to be a parody, actually. But perhaps you're right and he meant it as a proper poll. Can't really tell.

Josh Fogel says:

I would like to see Gary Trudeau write comics in Putin's dictatorship. Now that I think about it, Trudeau is cut from the same wool as Putin, both are totalitarian freaks to their bones.

Michael says:

Why don't you get off the Obama thing in Doonsbury. He is not a "BLACK" Kennedy. He is not a black anything. He is MIXED RACE!!!

Michael says:

Why don't you get off the Obama thing in Doonsbury. He is not a "BLACK" Kennedy. He is not a black anything. He is MIXED RACE!!!

Michael says:

Why don't you get off the Obama thing in Doonsbury. He is not a "BLACK" Kennedy. He is not a black anything. He is MIXED RACE!!!

wow gold says:


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